INVISIBLE | MGSV Music Video | Duran Duran Music Video | Moissanite Edition

Описание к видео INVISIBLE | MGSV Music Video | Duran Duran Music Video | Moissanite Edition

"Any colour you like, they're all blue."

I made this to commemorate the longer Metal Gear Solid V edits I've been seeing around. Yes, I know, it's absurdly long, but I figured anyone who needs to get an INVISIBLE fix might as well wear out their ears here. Not a bad extended mix in my opinion.

It's called the Moissanite Edition because, well, it isn't exactly the most polished. I spent a while working on it, got burnt, put it off, then finally finished it a bit later. I could've dedicated more time to it, and probably made it look a lot better visually and transition-wise. Sort of has a double meaning, I guess, since MGSV wasn't really "finished". And because you're the "Diamond" Dogs, lol. So... like a Diamond, but if you look closely, you can see the difference.

On Sept. 1st, I'll put out a no-in-game audio version of this Music Video, featuring only the original unedited audio of INVISIBLE. Stay tuned for more.

You're all Diamonds.


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